Career at Albaraka
- With the confidence of being the pioneering participation bank in Turkey we create a healthy working environment, support the development of our employees, and employe qualified people in every position available with a fair wage policy.
- We create career goals based on personal skills, increase work satisfaction, and contribute to our employees' professional development.
- We believe that the strongest capital of a company is its employees, and we aim to be the preferred organization in career.
- Our vision is to employ candidates who believe in the interest-free banking, to increase the market share of participation banking, and to improve communication between our partners, employees and customers.
- We organize trips, dinners and sports tournaments in order to encourage team spirit.
With our employees, whose average age is 34 and 91% of whom are university graduates, we provide innovative services, and we care about employing young people to sustain our dynamic structure.
Employee Profile
Albaraka Turk employees prove their difference not only with education levels but also the value they give to people, respect and conscientious approach to their duty.
Serving with its young and educated employees, Albaraka Turk’s employees’ average age is 34 and %91 of them graduated from university.